How Do I Reset My Password?

  1. On the Log In page, click Forgot Password?
    The Forgot/Reset Password page is displayed.
  2. Enter your user ID, and then click Continue.
    A confirmation message is displayed. You will receive a one-time password in an e-mail with the subject line: “Password Reset Request - one-time passcode.”
  3. Enter the one-time password contained in the e-mail, and then click Continue.
    The Answer Security Questions page is displayed.
  4. Complete the security questions, and then click Continue.
    The Answer Security Questions page is displayed.
  5. Complete the security questions, and then click Submit.
    The Create New Password page is displayed.
  6. Enter, and then re-enter a new password, and click Submit.
    A confirmation message is displayed. You will receive an e-mail with the subject line: "Aviation ID Password Reset Completed."