Adding Multiple Users

This topic describes how a Company Administrator registers multiple users.

Note: Batch loading uses a CSV or Microsoft Excel file to upload multiple users. It is the preferred method for adding large numbers of users. In addition to uploading multiple users, the Company Administrator can also subscribe these users to applications during the upload process.
Note: Aviation ID generates a high volume of e-mail notifications. By default, e-mail preferences are set to send all e-mail notifications. It is recommended that you modify the e-mail preferences to limit the number and type of notifications you receive.
The CSV or Excel file fields are described in the table below.
  1. Log in to the Aviation ID as a Company Administrator.
  2. Click the Administration tab, and then User Upload.
    The Batch User Updates page is displayed.

    If the file to upload already exists, click Browse to navigate to it; if a file does not exist, click Download Template to create and save one.

  3. Open the existing or newly created file by double-clicking it or by selecting it, and then clicking Open.
    The User Upload page is displayed with validation status.

    If successfully validated, a "Records Validated" message is displayed. There is also an option to subscribe the users to an application by clicking the application checkbox and entering an optional subscription period.

    If validation is unsuccessful, a "Validation Errors" message is displayed, along with a list of errors. You can correct the errors by clicking Download Errors and creating a new file, or by clicking Back and correcting the errors in the original file.

  4. Once the file has been successfully validated, click Submit.
    A success message is displayed. You will receive a confirmation e-mail.
Table 1. User Upload File Fields
Field Required/Optional Description
ChangeType Required Options are add, change, delete, changeemployeeid, and changeridpid formatted as shown.
EmployeeID Required Maximum of 255 characters; accepts any printable ASCII characters; unique value within company (e.g., BEMSID).
NewEmployeeID Conditionally required Required for changeemployeeid change type.
PreferredUserID Required Overrides the default userID.
RemoteIdentityProviderID Conditionally required Maximum of 255 characters; accepts any printable ASCII characters; required if change type is changeridpid; unique within the Remote Identity Proofing (RIDP); subject identifier used in assertions from R-IdP to FedHub.
Email Optional Maximum of 75 characters; RFC822-compliant; must be unique if present.
GroupEmail Optional String/75; not used.
MainUPN Optional String/255; User Unique Identifier (UPN) for the main account; auto-generated by IFS, unique and non-changing; this is the subject ID included in IFS-generated assertions; identifier is not generally visible or known by the user it represents.
HomeCompanyID Optional String/64; company ID for the guest account's home company (MRO Company); mastered by IFS.
HomeCompanyName Optional String/256; company name of the guest account's home company.
HostCompanyID Optional String/64; ID for the airline company hosting guest accounts for MRO.
HostCompanyName Optional String/256; name for the company hosting guest accounts for the MRO.
ExistingGuestAccount Optional String/256; not updatable; list of existing guest accounts under the main account.
FirstName Required Maximum of 32 characters; accepts alpha and hyphen.
LastName Required Maximum of 32 characters; accepts alpha, space, hyphen, and single-quote.
MiddleName Optional Maximum of 32 characters; accepts alpha and hyphen.
SystemRole Required User will be assigned the Company Administrator role if "Admin" is listed in the column.
TemporaryPassword Conditionally required Required if no RIDP user ref is provided; must be between 8 and 16 characters; must include at least 4 distinct characters, 1 letter, 1 number, and 1 special character; leading and trailing whitespaces are not permitted.
Phone Optional Maximum of 20 character; accepts numbers, "-", "+", ".", "(", ")", "e", "t", "x", and embedded whitespaces.
MobilePhone Optional Maximum of 20 character; accepts numbers, "-", "+", ".", "(", ")", "e", "t", "x", and embedded whitespaces.
Fax Optional Maximum of 20 character; accepts numbers, "-", "+", ".", "(", ")", "e", "t", "x", and embedded whitespaces.
CtryofCitizenshipCode Optional Maximum of 2 characters; must be a recognized country in iso-3166-1-a2.
CtryofResidenceCode Optional Maximum of 2 characters; must be a recognized country in iso-3166-1-a2.
JobRole Required One of the following values: Line Maintenance Engineer, Engineer, Software Developer, Business Analyst, Analyst, Shift Engineer, Maintenance Controller, Maintenance Manager, Electronic Access Focal, Other.
Department Optional One of the following values: Information Technology, Engineering, Maintenance, Disruption Management, Airline Operations, Other.
BusinessRole Optional Maximum of 64 characters; accepts any printable ASCII characters.
Applications Optional Application(s) to which the user has access; application name should be its short name and is case-sensitive; multiple applications must be separated by a semicolon; company must be subscribed to the application(s) listed.
AdminApps Optional User will be assigned the application administrator role for application(s) listed in the column; multiple applications must be separated by a semicolon; company must be subscribed to the application(s) listed.
ExostarToken Optional String/50; Exostar token serial number.
Text/VoiceCtryCode1 Optional String/2; country code for the first phone number where text or voice authentication is sent.
Text/VoicePhone1 Optional String/15; first phone number to send text/voice authentication.
Text/VoiceCtryCode2 Optional String/2; country code for the second phone number where text or voice authentication is sent.
Text/VoicePhone2 Optional String/15; second phone number to send text/voice authentication.
AuthyCtryCode Optional String/2; country code for the phone where authy is installed.
AuthyPhone Optional String/15; phone number of the device where authy is installed.